Hot Tubs - Care and Maintenance
Maintaining Your Hot Tub
Keeping your Spa and Hot Tub in top condition will take only a few minutes each week. We know how busy life gets and your free time should be spent with family and friends enjoying your spa - not cleaning it.
A great place to start is to download the Sun Ray Spa's Ownership Manual
Cleaning your Hot Tub
At least once a year, you should do a complete clean of your hot tub. This includes fully draining the hot tub, and cleaning all of the filters.
Pure H2O
Sunrays ProZone Sanitizing System means crystal clear water with less hassle. It produces the maximum amount of ozone which is an extremely powerful oxidizing agent and eliminates chlor-taminants that build up in the water there by reducing the need for excessive chemicals in your spa. To us it means customer satisfaction – to you it means improved water clarity with less maintenance.
Sunray Manufacturing
Manufactured right here in
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1-877-212-SPAS (7727)